Energy Medicine
Everything is vibration, everything has a frequency
Do we, as humans, have spiritual experiences, or are we spiritual beings experiencing through being human?
Everything in the universe vibrates – including us. Our thoughts and emotions vibrate at a higher frequency than our bodies, which is why the body responds more slowly and its changes take more time. While emotions like joy and love vibrate at a high frequency, negative emotions such as anger or sadness are harder to let go of because we experience them more often and can more easily recall them.
Vibration and the Body
Positive emotions like joy and love require more mindfulness to maintain, as they operate at a higher frequency. However, the more we align ourselves with these positive vibrations, the faster our bodies will adjust to this energy, ultimately enhancing our well-being.

The Power of Positive Frequencies
By consciously aligning ourselves with higher frequencies such as love, joy, and gratitude, we can elevate our own vibration. This not only influences our emotions but also impacts our physical health and quality of life.
My Experience with Pollen Allergy and Healing Through Vibration
For years, I suffered from a severe pollen allergy, which, as a nature lover, made it difficult for me to fully enjoy the outdoors. When I began working with my own energy and shifting my vibration, I noticed a significant improvement in my allergy symptoms – a reduction of 70%. Through the use of ThetaHealing, I was eventually able to completely overcome the allergy.
Vibrations and Health
Every cell in our body has its own frequency. A healthy body vibrates at around 62-67 Hertz, while a weakened immune system begins to suffer at 58 Hertz. Chronic fatigue can even lower the frequency to 52 Hertz. Each illness has its own vibration, and changing our frequency is the key to healing.
Emotions and Their Impact on Our Body
Our emotions directly affect our body’s frequency. Negative emotions such as fear or sorrow lower our vibration, while positive emotions like joy, trust, and love elevate our body to a higher frequency. To promote our health, it’s crucial to consciously direct our emotions.
Raising Vibration – Promoting Health
Pay attention to how you feel and nourish yourself with positive thoughts. The emotion you begin and end your day with determines your overall vibration and physical health.
Learn to perceive your energy and raise the vibration of your body so that your immune system naturally develops a strong defense against external influences.